Better results in 15 minutes
Buy way more time for your team to refine the plan to hit your big goals
Focus your internal stakeholders on early indicators so you don’t have to deal with premature results questioning
Prove that you’re the right leader to tackle this challenge by highlighting what needs to be addressed and when
Complete the form to download your copy
Draft a list of your top 3 key goals before you start to read the book, they’ll be helpful references for you
Make sure you’re logged into your key analytics tools
Scan the book first – and dig into any sections you find of particular relevance
Complete the form to download your copy
Draft a list of your top 3 key goals before you start to read the book, they’ll be helpful references for you
Make sure you’re logged into your key analytics tools
Scan the book first – and dig into any sections you find of particular relevance
Keep a blank piece of paper or clean doc open while you read so you can jot down early indicators for your plan as they start to reveal themselves to you.