The Marketing Tasks We’re Vowing to Outsource Next Year

November 16, 2022

The Marketing Tasks We’re Vowing to Outsource Next Year

This holiday season, we’ve put together a list of ten marketing tasks that are most likely to land on the naughty list, and definitely uninvited from Thanksgiving dinner. Whether you’re outsourcing these tasks (because you’re so smart) or begrudgingly tackling them on your own, I think we can all agree that nobody’s waking up extra early on Christmas morning to unwrap these mundane marketing tasks.

  1. Optimizing Conversion Rates

About a third of digital marketers consider conversion rate optimization to be among the most annoying and time-consuming tasks on their plate. Optimizing conversion rates can be tricky and research-heavy, with lots of moving parts.

Review the analytics. Analyze landing pages. Spend hours trying to diagnose where the user experience is going wrong. Slip into insanity.
Make no mistake; the conversion rate really matters. But optimizing it can quickly become one of your most annoying and time-consuming tasks. 

  • Twitter:
    If there’s a single marketing task that most marketers would send down the chimney for good, it’s optimizing conversion rates. Nobody, not even a magical Christmas elf, has time to lock into conversion chaos when they’re running a business.

  1. Developing Impactful Content

Content marketing is more than just writing blogs for the sake of writing blogs. In fact, any writer will tell you that creating great content that resonates with audiences is a true art form. Reaching the right audience, at the right time, with the right message takes a certain je ne sais quoi. 

Yet here we are, doing our best to recreate the Mona Lisa with fingerpaints and keywords. Do yourself a favor and let the pros take the lead on this one.

  • Twitter:
    Content is king. But that doesn’t mean marketers have time to sit in court all day. If you have enough time to generate stellar content, your business probably misses you. There’s no shame in outsourcing an art form.

  1. Data Measurement and Analysis

Are you still looking at metrics and data from multiple sources and platforms, then spending hours organizing them into legible reports? If so, you should probably change the batteries in your walkman and charge your flip phone while you’re at it.

Data measurement and analysis is a crucial parts of efficient marketing, but if you’re not using the right tools, you’re wasting time and resources. Services like MyDash streamline data analysis, so you can get back to business (and 2022).

  • Twitter:
    There are only X days until Christmas… are you still working on data reports?!? Get it together, automate your reporting, and get to work on those gingerbread cookies. 

  1. Building A Sales Team

Building a sales team has to be one of the trickiest, slime-dodging tasks in marketing. Finding sales team members that are there to produce results, and not simply claw their way up your brand ladder, is tough. 

And once you have your team assembled, perfecting proposals and closing deals are only the beginning. Sales members who can multitask and represent your brand are really hard to find, especially because you have to wade through a lot of BS and muck first. 

  • Twitter: Building an effective sales team is critical to support marketing success, but how do you sell your brand to a salesman who is selling themselves to you so they can sell your brand?
    We’re dizzy, too.

  1. The Budget Balancing Act

Creating, balancing, and maintaining a marketing budget is a headache on the best days. On the worst days, budget maintenance can feel like trying to put together a 5,000-piece puzzle while you play piano with your feet in the center of a sharknado. 

Deciding which campaigns are worthy of more funds, and which ones could be cut, isn’t always easy. Juggling the many factors that go into smart budget maintenance is a true feat. Don’t be afraid to hand the reins over on this one, and let a pro take on the balancing act.

  • Twitter:
    Balancing your budget gets harder as the holidays roll around. Everyone is tightening their belts before they lose a button at the Thanksgiving table. It’s not just you, we all do it. 

  1. Email Lists

Isn’t email marketing a wonderful thing that we all love and hate so much? Validating email lists, nurturing that list with a loving and valuable campaign, and keeping those open rates up are tedious tasks that feel never-ending. 

That’s because they are.  

Filling fans’ inboxes with clever, action-inspiring messages can really help capture valuable leads and keep your listees engaged with your brand. But alas, it’s a seemingly thankless slog that may die a thousand tiny unread deaths before you get the hang of it. 

  • Twitter:
    Validating emails is like checking off Santa’s list, and filling up inboxes instead of stockings. When we said we were ready to make a list and check it twice… we really weren’t talking about email lists.

  1. SEO & Keyword Research Chaos

We all know it, love it and dread it. Keywords, SEO, and page optimization are crucial but extraordinarily important tasks. If you expect your business or brand to be found online, you’ve got to pay attention to your search performance, and make sure your site is optimized and full of keywords (but not too full—that’s keyword stuffing, and Google hates it).

Who even knows how to do keyword research? SEO optimization can’t be that hard? 

It seems like it should be so easy, but we’re here to warn you against DIY-ing this project. Trust us, you’ll need the right tools and experience, or you’ll end up ranking for all the wrong things.

  • Twitter:
    Can you optimize your Tweets for SEO purposes? Asking for a friend…
    SEO never sleeps, and we’re tired of chasing keywords all over 2022. How many days until Christmas?

  1. Link Building

If link building is at the bottom of your to-do list, you’re not alone. This tedious, never-ending task has consistently been rated as a least favorite task for business owners and marketers alike. 

Link building is the only way for Google to know whether your content is relevant, valuable, or authoritative. Plus, building bridges that make it easier for customers to explore and eventually commit to your product or service, the better. Link building provides value to both the brand and the user, but it’s a fickle beast. 

Broken links, dead links, and ones that just don’t make any sense are going to hurt your search scores, site performance, and overall visibility. 

But don’t worry, all you have to do is constantly check all of your links on every single page of your site (all the time) and immediately fix the broken ones! Oh, you didn’t have something else to do today, or tomorrow or the next day, did you?

  • Twitter:
    You should call someone about that broken link.
    Link building and maintenance are something nobody has time for, especially during the holidays. It makes the list of the most annoying marketing tasks of 2022. 


  1. Writing Ad Copy

There are marketers who would rather sit on a hot grill than write ad copy. And, honestly… same. 

Ad copy is one of the few forms of content that makes even the most enthusiastic writers groan. There’s no way to predict how any ad will perform, which campaigns will take off, and which keywords are really going to pay off. 

Have you ever tried to impress everyone on the internet in 30 characters or less? 

  • Twitter:
    There are marketers who would rather sit on a hot grill than write ad copy. And, honestly… same.


  1. Managing Social Media

Yes, this, The very bane of your existence. Are you posting enough? Or too much, that you’re oversaturating and maybe losing your followers? Is your content engaging, or just falling flat? How do you respond to enthusiastic fans or craven trolls?

Productive social media work can be difficult, but if you have the right team taking over or guiding you through perfect post-production, you can reach your audience. Social media management for a busy brand is a full-time commitment when it’s done right, so don’t sleep on the job.

  • Twitter:
    Productive social media isn’t all GIFs and memes and emojis, okay? 

Some of us are actually trying to work here, checking off the most annoying marketing tasks of all time.

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